Friday, January 25, 2008

weekend with the Dutch

Last weekend Ton's friends came from the Netherlands to drive him home, but before they left, they decided to stay for a "mini vacation" over the weekend. These kids from Holland were really awesome people. I can't really describe it, but they just had this goofy attitude about making everything fun. We ended up walking around Berlin all day Saturday, seeing all kinds of historical and interesting stuff. One of them was the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche, this amazing looking church that got bombed almost to rubble during WWII. The remnants were left standing with a new church built right next to it an a very modern fashion. The two different styles side-by-side make a stunning scene that is hard to capture in one photo. The other incredible building was Sony Center, this very modern structure located in Potsdamer Platz. Walking into the building, you feel like you're walking into the future with its huge plasma TV's hanging on the walls and the interesting looking swirling ceiling. Potsdamer Platz was really an incredible place to see. We also went and saw Checkpoint Charlie. I really had pumped this place up as one my places to see in Berlin, but when I got there, I was rather disappointed. All that is left of the historical crossing from East to West Berlin is a little guard post and a sign that says you are leaving or entering the American sector. It really wasn't very exciting...

That night, we went out to some more clubs. I missed my stop again on the train (gotta work on that) and called it a weekend...

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