Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hertha BSC - Nur nach Hause

This weekend I attended my first ever German Fussball match in Berlin. The game was Hertha BSC (Berlin's soccer team) versus Duisburg (an apparently not-so-hot team ranked very low in the German Bundesliga). The games are held in the Olympiastadion that was built for the 1916 summer Olympics and just recently was host site of the World Cup. Although I didn't make this video, it pretty much sums up the atmosphere... Thousands of Hertha fans, who call themselves the Ultimas, remained standing the entire game, singing songs, waving flags, cheering, chanting, and just plain being crazy supporters of Hertha football. Before I went, I bought a blue Hertha scarf with their slogan on it:

"Nur nach Hause geh'n wir nicht"
(Translated: "Only home, we don't go")

I sang along with all the songs as best as I could and drank some German beer and pretty much had an incredible time. Hertha won the game 2-0, ending a 10 game losing streak at night games in the Olympiastadion in Berlin. I'd like to think think that it was because I was there to support them... Also, I found out that Hertha BSC is actually a friend of Karlsruhe's soccer team so when I go to University in Karlsruhe and suddenly become a Karlsruhe fan everyone won't hate me for supporting Hertha.

Now if only I could be attending some Purdue basketball games right now (Big Ten champs?)...


Lisa said...

Could you tell me what they were chanting? Besides the teasing the other team chants, but like, what's a song that they would sing at all games or a chant they always chant?

Unknown said...


Just had a similar happening @ Berlin. First night we(a friend of mine and I) were in Berlin the summer of 2010 we went to a bar, got talking to a local German guy and he asked us to join them to a Hertha BSC match.
It was the match against Bielefeld @ the 2nd Bundesliga. There were nearly 50.000 people in the stadium. For an foreigner as i am (I'm Dutch) that's really amazing. Those numbers of spectators we'll see in Holland only on the top matches in de first league. Certainly not second!!
We both were singing Nur Nach Hause along with the Hertha crowd as well.. we loved it..
drinking Litre-cans of beer:)
That match..Hertha was ahead with 2-0 within 8 minutes.
There was an amazing atmosphere all along in the stadium. And it was definitely a memorable event.

Hertha The Best!

(They won again today from Furth)
I'll go to berlin again soon.. but defently in a weekend Hertha needs to play at home:) just to do it all over